Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two months old!

The little cutie pie is now 2 months old. I can hardly believe it! I never took "official" one month pictures, oops! Ain't nobody got time for that. (Life has been a bit busy lately. ;) )

January was a crazy month. I had so much going on! I flew up to visit my parents in North Dakota, which was great. I'm very glad I was able to take Elizabeth up there to meet them. She did awesome on the plane. The first plane ride I was a little stressed out at first because she was crying first thing, and they made us switch seats right when we got all settled in and comfortable (at least, as comfortable as you can on those teeny, tiny planes). Then they told everyone "Sorry for the delay, we had to move this baby to the other side." I thought, great, now everyone is even more annoyed by the baby! Hah! But thankfully everyone was VERY nice and kind and she ended up sleeping almost the entire time.

Here is how Elizabeth is doing lately:

- She is a great eater and is growing like a little weed! The most common comment I get about her is "She's so long!!!"
- She's been an awesome sleeper so far, which *knock on wood* I'm hoping keeps up. This mama loves her sleep.
- She absolutely adores bath time. It's probably her favorite thing. If she's in a funk and won't stop fussing or crying, so far bath time has always been a magic fix!
- She loves getting her diaper changed. Often another magic fix for her, but the results are usually much shorter lived if she's feeling cranky.
- She just started playing with toys the other day.
- She is extremely interested in the world around her. She is so wide-eyed and you can see her just taking in everything around her.
- She started smiling back at us around 5-6 weeks old, and I absolutely love it. So do her big siblings.
- One of her favorite things is when I stick my tongue out at her. She is very amused by it.
- She coos, gurgles, smiles and does this funny squeaking sound when she's happy. She is so fun!