Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Baby's Room

Well, we are just sitting here waiting for this baby to arrive! My due date is in a week and a half, and although she's shown lots of signs of coming soon, and the doctor told me two weeks ago she would be surprised if she stayed in much longer (WHY do they do that to us? lol) she seems pretty comfortable, so it could easily still be another couple of weeks. We are more ready for this baby than we were for the others though, and I think that makes it harder to wait. I never got to the point where I felt like "get this baby out!" with the others, and I hit that point about a week ago with this one, hah!

I finished her room a month or two ago, and finally got around to taking some pictures. I love it. I'm glad that I finally got to decorate a nursery, and I had so much fun doing it.

Get ready for a picture overload!!

This is her mobile that I made, big thanks to my sister-in-law Tiffany for letting me use her Silhouette to cut out all those butterflies. It took a long time as it was, I can't imagine if I'd bought a paper punch.

This quilt was the first thing I made. I had a lot of fun choosing the colors and pattern. I've never made a quilt like it before and I love how it turned out.

This is just IKEA frames with some stickers and things I bought from Hobby Lobby.

I've been seeing a lot of "string art" around lately and I wanted to try it. So I bought a few boards, put them together and hammered about a million tiny nails into it. Then, made a big string tangle all over it. :) It was fun and pretty easy.

This part was lots of work. I made it all from an idea I had, I didn't have any kind of pattern for it so I just winged it and hoped it would come out the way I pictured. It did! It snaps on and off. I don't have a close-up picture of the matching bed skirt but you can see it in the first picture.

I found this little white and gold bowl on clearance at Target and couldn't resist.

These are just simple paintings that I did to fill in this wall.

And in case you were dying to see this up close, this is the pattern on the curtains. I made these curtains with some inexpensive fabric from Joann's and blackout liners. They work really well to darken the room when needed. I've never made curtains from scratch before and I think they turned out awesome.

And that is all for the nursery. Here is a belly picture...

Feeling huge! Come on, baby!!!


  1. Looks great!! Especially your baby bump....

  2. Looks great!! Especially your baby bump....

  3. Wow! Great job on the baby's room! You look fantastic!
