Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby didn't hang on!

I was REALLY hoping that Ben would stay put until after Paul's wedding on Friday. That was all I was really asking. He didn't cooperate.

I had an appointment with my midwife on Tuesday. Since I was previously dilated to a 4, she wanted to check and see what I was at then too. And what do you know, I was at a 6. We were getting a little bit worried because my labor with Kaylee went pretty quickly, and second babies tend to be a bit faster. I didn't particularly want to deliver a baby in the car on the way to the hospital, and neither did my husband. I was having some contractions, but nothing strong or regular at all. We went home (my midwife was very hesitant to let us leave, but she did, saying COME BACK SOON!) and got things packed up. Yeah, I put it off so much that I still didn't really have a hospital bag ready. Kind of dumb on my part. Anyway, we called Will's family in Provo and asked them to come pick Kaylee up at the hospital so we could go get checked in at the hospital. We got there and hung out for a little while, and a couple of hours later I was dilated to an 8.5. Yeah, I was just...hanging out, in transition. No pain medication at all. Weirdest thing ever. Kaylee's birth was easy too, but believe me, I felt it when I was in transition!

 This was after the baby came. I wasn't *that* relaxed in labor. ;)

My midwife decided to break my water to get the contractions to pick up. That did the trick! I finally felt like "Okay, THIS is labor now." After a little over an hour it was time to push, which lasted around 10 minutes or so. It was definitely more painful in the hospital than it was at the birth center with Kaylee, but not bad. Our hospital stay was fine, except that every. single. nurse and their cousin came in and asked me if I needed pain medication while I was recovering. One nurse must have asked me at least six times. Finally I realized that they were all asking because on my white board under "goals for mom" it said "pain control." Thanks to my first nurse that wrote that, they all thought I must be in a lot of pain. Other than that, I didn't get a bit of sleep, the food was delicious, and I liked always having help with whatever I needed. I was very ready to go home on Thursday, though.

I think it's a really good thing that we went to the hospital that night. I am quite certain that I would have gone from nothing to baby if I hadn't had my water broken. It was such a gentle labor that it may have taken till the last minute for my water to break on its own, and then...well, we probably would have had a baby alone. 

I ended up going to the wedding anyway. We got home on Thursday at around 6pm, and the wedding was the next day at noon. Since it was close by in the Salt Lake Temple, it wasn't a long drive, and the actual ceremony is quite short. Ben stayed with his dad, and he just slept the whole time (nothing new for him, he is the opposite of Kaylee and sleeps ALL THE TIME).  I'm so glad I was feeling good and was able to go.

 We finally caught him with his eyes open!

Anyway, that's the story. We're happy and still a bit shocked he's already here!

And for good is a picture of Kaylee.

1 comment:

  1. This cracks me up because it's basically the exact same story for me delivering Hank. We are such cool ladies Becky. :) Congrats and I am happy your little man is here!
