Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One of those days...

WHY yes, I did just lock both of my children in their rooms. And then go out and proceed to eat a bowl of ice cream for lunch.

Yes, I did.

Was it a good idea?

Eh, probably not. But I think I needed it.

The last couple of days have not been much fun for me. I have an absolutely horrible cold. Not the kind of cold that you sort of have a stuffy nose and feel a bit out of it for a few days, and maybe a cough. No...the kind where my head feels like it's going to explode. My nose is so stuffed I can only breathe out of one side for days, no matter what I do, and constantly runs. I might as well stuff tissues up my nose and call it good. (My husband finds that super attractive...) I can't sleep, during the precious times at night when Ben IS actually sleeping, because breathing through my mouth hurts my throat, and obviously I can't breathe through my nose. I have this weird cough that is really deep and makes me feel like gagging every time I need to cough.

Now, I do know this is just a regular old cold, because Kaylee just had it. And SHE had the kind that was just a little runny nose, and a bit of a cough. She didn't really seem to notice it.


I should probably go get the kids out of their rooms, as I just heard Kaylee start screaming again, and a little thump. She's probably stuck in one of her toys. Sometimes she's in her shopping cart, sometimes the doll house...

4.5 hours till bedtime. Not that I'm counting.

1 comment:

  1. I love posts like these! Not that I'm happy you're miserable but it's good to know I'm not the only mom that has days like this! And that eat's ice cream for lunch to make her feel better! And I'm not sure if I told you congrats on your new baby, he's adorable!
