Friday, March 15, 2013

Our Bedrom: Before and After

We always have several projects going on here, and this is one I've been working on for a while. We got a couple of Lowes giftcards and quite a bit of cash for Christmas, so this is what we decided to do.

My bedroom is very important to me. It's my escape, my "safe" place, my quiet place, and most of all, my place that is only for me and my husband, no kids allowed. I mean, sure, they go in there sometimes, but generally, it's off-limits. Why? Well, because I guess even though I THOUGHT I was going to be a super-attached parent, and breastfeed for two years, and cosleep forever, and all that jazz...I'm not. I'm just not. There's really no other way around it, I suppose. I'm an attached parent in that I listen to my kids, I rock them to sleep, I cuddle them, I give them attention and hugs and kisses...but at bedtime I get selfish, and I want time without children. So naturally I wanted my room to be a sort of "haven" that I can really relax in. Our whole married life we've never had a nice bedroom. I've just never decorated it the way I wanted and made it look really good. I knew I wanted something that was romantic, clean, bright, and simple.

Okay, enough chatting. Here are my pictures.

The first thing I did was paint the walls. I painted them when we first moved in, twice. And I still didn't like the color. It was okay, but it was far too blue (I wanted gray). It actually looks more gray in the "before" pictures than the "after" pictures here, but gray is a very, very deceiving color, as I've found. It never looks the same in pictures, and it also never goes on the wall the way you expect. But I'm really happy with how it is now.

After the walls, I painted the floor a dark, glossy brown. It looks awesome compared to the old, worn floor. I moved the dresser inside the closet and painted the pictures. We made the molding ourselves for $15. YES. I can't believe how expensive molding is, even for really plain, boring stuff. So I much prefer ours. The curtains are made from $5 Walmart sheets and $5 Ikea sheer curtains. In total I think it cost me around $25 for the curtains, plus lots of work. I had to do a lot of sewing and trimming to get them just right. I was worried about doing floor-length curtains in my room, but I actually love how it looks!

 The closet was kind of a big deal - even though it just looks like I put a curtain up. I painted everything (I had never painted the trim there, how sad!) including the inside of the closet and the door. I also removed all the old paint from the clothes rod and the door knob, and put new hinges on. It's amazing what little things like that can do. The people that worked on this house before us didn't do a great job. All the hinges and doorknobs were painted over and everything was just a mess. I'm slowly getting it all cleaned up and looking nice.

I love this room so much!! I'm so glad I was able to do it.


  1. Really Beautiful! The drapes make a huge difference and the curtain on the closet ties it all in. And yes, Moms and Dads need a 'special' place. just as children do. You can stay connected at the same time individuality is developed. Just wonderful as usual... Love, Aunt Betty

  2. It looks great and I love the way the curtains came out!

  3. That looks so great!! Good job!I am slowly turning my room into a Haven right now too.
