Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

I have to admit that I was kind of a Halloween "Grinch" this year. I didn't even consider the kids' costumes until 2 days before the ward party, I didn't dress up at all (never do), I only put up one Halloween decoration in the house, and we didn't even carve pumpkins. Or do anything with pumpkins, for that matter. One of my favorite Halloween traditions growing up was carving pumpkins - it was always so messy and fun, and roasting pumpkin seeds and sliming/being slimed by my brothers...good times. But somehow it doesn't seem as much fun anymore. 1. We actually have to PAY FOR the pumpkins, not just pick them out of our enormous pumpkin collection in the back yard. 2. The kids are still way too young to carve. 3. I am very lazy. (I have been working on decorating the house, and changing all the silly things that have been bugging me forever. AKA lazy.)

This year Kaylee was going to be a Baninja Fairy Princess, but unfortunately we couldn't find her ninja mask, so she was just a fairy princess (I almost wrote farty princess, oops. I don't think she would appreciate that). I probably could have just made a mask for her, but as I just said I am very lazy. Funny thing is, we actually had a ninja princess come trick-or-treating to our house. I guess it wasn't quite as original as I thought. She also decided for trick-or-treating she didn't want her wings so she was just a princess.

Ben really wanted to be a dinosaur. I looked for a dinosaur costume and when I couldn't find a good one that I liked and could afford, I decided to make one. The day before I needed it. And then I found a monster costume for $8 and said "Forget it Ben, you're going to be a monster!" and he did one of his loud, epic growls so I took that to mean he was totally fine with it (he was).

We went trick-or-treating to quite a few houses on our block and around the neighborhood. The kids had a great time! I'm still struggling to get Kaylee to always remember to say thank you, and Ben....well, it's a good thing people thought he was cute because he would randomly grab handfuls of candy out of people's bowls (at the houses passing out candy) and I would have to run up and stop him. I think he may have been a little over excited. Every house we went to he would look at me when we left and go "Get more candy??" By the end his bucket was so heavy he wanted me to hold it.

When we got home, we dumped the candy out on the floor so we could see what they got. Luna was very excited about it, especially the little chocolate eyeballs that rolled around on the floor and the tootsie-pops. I still don't know what to make of her obsession with tootsie pops. ?? Funny kitty.

Well, that was our Halloween this year. I'm just happy that the kids got lots of chocolate. ;)

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