Sunday, September 9, 2012

Four Months

I can't believe my little man is four months old already! Okay, actually I can believe it, but I think every mom starts out a blog post like this one that way, so I figured I better conform. ;) I'm actually super excited that he's getting older, because I have a lot more fun with older babies than newborns.

Overall temperament:
Ben is generally a very happy, smiley baby. It is adorable. I love getting him out of bed in the morning and seeing his HUGE smiles that take up his whole face! He does tend to go from happy to dying in about 2 seconds though, if you know what I mean. One second, happy and smiling. Next second, the world is ending right on top of him. I don't always get much warning. He also hates the car. I do think he's starting to grow out of it already though, which would be awesome. Overall though, he's a very happy, content baby.

Yup, this is what I get to wake up to every morning. Love it!

It started out terrible. He was up all night the first couple of months. Not just waking up to eat, but waking up to eat and then just be UP. Then after around 1 1/2 months or so, he slept a lot better. At 2 1/2 months, 8-11 hours was normal. I got used to that, let me tell you. Now he's up every 2-4 hours or so. *sigh* I don't do well on little sleep, so I am hoping he grows out of that sooner rather than later. I guess the 4-month sleep regression I always heard about isn't actually a least not with every baby.

  • He coos like nothing else. It's probably my favorite thing about him. We'll be walking through a store, and he'll just be talking away to who knows what! He also coos at me whenever I sing to him. I love it when he wakes up in the morning cooing instead off crying.
  • He recently found his toes and is quite taken with them.
  • When it comes to rolling over, he is just not that interested. He has a couple of times, but that's all! I thought he would because he rolled over a couple of times at only a week or two old, but nope.
  • He LOVES sitting up. He can't do it on his own yet for more than a few seconds, but I don't think it'll be too long before he gets it.

  • He kind of giggles. By kind of, I mean he holds his giggles in as much as possible until he can't anymore and they kind of come out like little cough/hacking sounds. Sometimes I wish I could have a baby that just giggles, but it's pretty funny anyway.
  • He finally started pushing himself up on his elbows. He took a while to do this, because he absolutely positively HATED tummy time. I would put him on his tummy, and he would just put his head down and cry. Or sometimes go to sleep, when he was really little, before he fought sleep. I kept at it and tried to make it more fun for him, and he's really good at it now. He even enjoys it for a little while!

  • Playing with toys...he's just starting to be more interested. He has always preferred looking at faces over toys, but lately he's getting better at holding onto them so they're a bit more fun.

That's my boy! He's a cutie and we love having him in our family!!

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