Friday, September 7, 2012

Kaylee's Room

This is kind of a long time coming...I finished this before Ben was born, but, you know, then he was born...and I never found {made} the time. It's not super creative or anything, but here is Kaylee's room now:

I made the quilt on her bed and the bed skirt. The curtains I bought from Target, but I cut them in half and sewed the raw ends because 84" curtains would look a little ridiculous on our tiny windows. Will and I built the shelf for under $30, including all the supplies, primer and paint. It turned out even better than I was hoping! And of course I painted the letters and added the ribbon.

So, nothing super special, but I think it's cute.

PS Stay tuned for an update on the basement room...should be up in about two weeks! I can't wait to show the difference!!


  1. Cute! I can't wait to see the basement pictures. Did you remember to take a before? I always remember half way through the project.

  2. I did take some before pictures! Not enough I'm sure, but I did take a few.
