Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome the new member of our family!

Our new puppy! Her name is Ginny. Will and I haven't yet had a dog together as a couple, and since we just got settled in our new home, have a great fenced back yard, and both the kids LOVE dogs, we considered it. We looked around for a while at the pet store and the humane society but didn't see anything we wanted. We decided we should just get a cat instead, because we both love cats and, well, they're easy. Give them a litter box, food, and some toys, and they're good. Dogs, on the other hand...well, let's just say I wasn't considering a puppy lightly. I know how much work they are at first. (Maybe forever.)

So, we're driving to Lowe's the other day to buy a new washer and dryer, and Will said to me "How are you feeling?" I was a little confused for a second, but caught on really quickly and asked what he wanted. He wanted to go to the pet store. Alright, no biggie - we'd been there a few times already. At the pet store there were two brand new, adorable little Beagle puppies. Now, Beagles are ridiculously cute, but I've heard that they're stubborn and difficult to train. We had already decided earlier that we wanted one anyway, because they stay small, they stay cute, and they're awesome with little kids. We got her out and played with her for a while, and I said, no. No way. We have to wait. I'm not ready, in any sense of the word, to care for a 10 week old puppy and two toddlers. And we left.

We bought our washer and dryer, and the whole time I knew that Will was DYING because he absolutely fell in love with that little puppy. I was terrified of the idea, but I finally caved, and we went right back to the pet store and put down a deposit, so we could pick her up the next day. That night (before we picked her up) I had nightmares all night long about really bad little puppies. We got all the needed supplies yesterday and picked her up last night. She's super adorable, and the kids love her. (The feeling is mutual, of course.) I think she'll be a great dog for us. Please cross your fingers and send me good luck to get this "difficult to train" dog house-trained!! It's going to be a crazy few weeks here.

I would have taken more pictures, but wiggly kids are hard enough to get pictures of, and a wiggly dog AND two wiggly kids are even harder. Maybe later sometime I'll get them all??

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