Saturday, December 28, 2013


We had a wonderful Christmas this year!! We decided to stay home and have our own family Christmas for the first time. It was just too much to plan a trip, find a place for the dog to stay, and find a way to pay for it. I'll be honest...I LOVE Christmas with just our little family! It might be hard to convince me to go anywhere again. It was just so fun and relaxing for us.

Our whole week was busy and fun. On Sunday, we had the ward Christmas program that Will was in charge of. I helped a lot behind the scenes to get everything set, like music copies, new binders for everyone, things like that. But Will put everything together and it turned out great! We had four choir songs, one solo, one instrumental, and one a cappella group. Lots of fun and I had a friend and a young woman sit with our kids so that we could both be a part of it and not stress about the kids. It worked out well.

Monday I made some Christmas treats, although this year I was lame and didn't give them to neighbors. I was completely planning on it, but I realized I had nothing to deliver them in and honestly just felt a bit lazy! Hopefully next year I'll be better about doing that. :) I also went to a friends' house and played the piano while she played violin and recorded it for her parents, who are serving a mission.

Tuesday I made tons of cookies and we cleaned the house, and then had a big Christmas Eve dinner. We opened some presents - pajamas for Will and me, and new blankets for the kids. We also got Miracle on 34th Street, watched that and had hot chocolate. That's one of my favorite Christmas movies.

And of course Wednesday was the big day! Since we decided to stay home and Will got a last minute Christmas bonus we were not expecting, we had more presents than I thought we would! It was pretty fun, even though maybe that makes me sound shallow and materialistic. ;)

In the afternoon on Christmas we had dinner with our good friends, the Tanners. They're becoming like family to us here and we love it!

On Friday, since the weather was so nice, we went to Blue Heron Park. It's a park here that's only a few blocks away with a little playground, a pond and a path around the pond. There are TONS of geese there right now, it was pretty noisy. It was really funny to watch them fly and land on the ice, they were slipping and sliding everywhere. If you've never seen a goose slide all over ice, you're missing out. :)

We brought Ginny along too, and I think she had a good time.

What a fun week!!

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