Saturday, November 23, 2013

My latest build

I haven't built much lately, but recently, since I started working on the playroom, I've been wanting a set of little chairs and a table for the kids. I really wanted a set for Thanksgiving too because we'll have Kaylee, Ben and our nephew Ty, and I wanted them to have their own spot. I looked at IKEA and they had NOTHING. I guess they're redoing the whole kids' section or something, so they might have something new soon, but anyone who knows me knows I'm super impatient. Not to mention that it would have probably cost $150 or so anyway, and I wouldn't have had exactly the right colors. I looked at the Land of Nod and found EXACTLY what I wanted, would have cost me $450 to buy the whole set. Yikes!

I built a kids chair last year, with a pattern from Ana White, but I never liked it very much. It was a bit too big, it was kind of ugly, and it wasn't very sturdy at all. I felt like it immediately started falling apart.

So I spent a few days in the garage, and designed these...

The best part is, they only cost about $60 total, including the finishing supplies. (To finish them I did one coat of primer, 2-3 coats of paint, and 3 coats of water-base polyurethane.) The second best part is, they're SUPER sturdy. It was also nice to be able to make them any color I wanted. :) They're certainly nowhere near perfect, but I'm super happy with how they turned out. I love being able to picture something in my head and create it for my kids!


  1. Those are amazing! You should post a tutorial for me! Please ha ha!

  2. Tutorial for me too!! These are super cute!

  3. I would love to share it, I'll get to work :)
