Friday, November 29, 2013

Fireplace Makeover

One of the first "eyesores" I had to fix in this house was the fireplace!! It was so out of date with an oak mantel and blue tiles. Here it is before:

I tried, and failed, to get a picture without a child. I took some later on before I did anything to it, but unfortunately I can't find those this will have to do!

Here is the after!

 As you can see...I painted the wood and the tile on the floor, and Will helped me put new tile on the surround. I also painted the brass black. We LOVE how it turned out, it's so much brighter and more up-to-date now. Yay! I had to hurry and get a picture of it because the mantel set-up is all going to change for Christmas.


  1. I noticed the fireplace in the Thanksgiving pictures Alyssa posted and I thought it was new! I absolutely love EVERYTHING about it!!! The colors, the tile, the decorations, and the adorable little family in the picture over the mantel! Miss you guys.

  2. It is beautiful. Would love a copy of that wonderful picture on the wall. Love and miss all of you.
