Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

For Christmas this year we went to Will's parents' house. As always, it was a bit chaotic, but that's half the fun! Although, I can't say I'm a fan of all the tantrums, but you know, with 5 kids under 7 I think you can't really help but have a bit of that. We left early on Christmas morning so we could go to our ward and sing in the choir program. I was so excited to finally be able to sing in the Christmas program. It has been NINE years since I have sung in one. I've always played the piano. So I insisted we go home early to be able to do that. But it was a mistake, I think - at least kind of. We were all rushed to get there in time, and then Kaylee went completely crazy. I mean really crazy. She refused to behave at all and was just screaming and screaming her head off. She didn't want to sit with anyone else, which she normally would love. When I went to get her, someone took my seat up in the choir stands, and sat on my music, so I couldn't go back up with her once she calmed down like I'd planned. I was extremely disappointed about it. But...there's always next year! Then we'll have two kids to deal with instead of one. That'll make it easier, right??

So when it came to gifts I was very, very spoiled this Christmas. I got everything I really wanted, plus of course my amazing camera from Tim (which I wanted, but would never even think to ask for), and...diamond earrings from Will! I have to say, I was a bit shocked when I opened them. I wasn't expecting anything like that AT ALL because money has been tight with all the house projects we've done lately, but he must have had some secret stash hidden away. Here I was trying to be really frugal! I think he wanted to make up for the earrings he bought me for our first anniversary. I loved them and wore them all the time. Unfortunately, one day, the backing came off of one and I lost it (they were not diamond, thank goodness, but I was completely heartbroken). These have screw-in backs so I think I'll be safe now. I don't think earrings can fall out when they're bolted into your ears.

I was going to put a few pictures on here, but there were just too many. So instead, go here. :)

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