Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Birthday/Gender party

When I first heard of a "gender party" I was like "Oh, good grief...can we come up with some more excuses to have a party, please??" I thought it was a bit ridiculous. And then I guess I changed my mind because we decided to find out to the gender by ultrasound this pregnancy and then announce it on my birthday. We were in Provo, so we invited our old friends to come, and decided it should be a party. It was definitely more of a gender party then a birthday party, for sure. Everyone sang to me at least, though!

I made the food and the cupcakes for the party. The food was all related to my cravings, so we had Doritos, pickles, fruit, white chocolate fountain with cookies for dipping, and little cheese and meat tortilla roll-ups (the pinwheel things). Kaylee helped me with the cupcakes on Thursday.

We played a couple of silly little games. One of them was a list of Old Wives Tales about the gender - if you carry high or low, if you look pregnant from the back, what you crave, etc. etc. I got 15 random questions off the internet and had someone read them to me out loud. I would answer and they would put the corresponding pink or blue paper onesie on the board. This game said girl! I had an odd number so there wouldn't be a tie, but it was so close...guess the tales don't mean very much.

We had everyone write down their guesses for what it was.  Boy outnumbered girl! Will and I both guessed girl, though. In all honesty I had no clue. I didn't have any idea with Kaylee until later on, but I wanted a girl, so I said she was a boy, because I'm always wrong when I guess anything. Well this time I said girl, because I didn't really care at all but was kind of leaning toward boy. Another girl would have been great, but Will insists that we must have one of each before we can be done. I was terrified of being one of those moms that has like 6 girls in a row.

Our last part of the party was the cupcakes. I made 18, 9 pink and 9 blue. This game was completely Will's idea. He made 17 papers, 9 of which said girl, and 8 that said boy.

We went around the room and everyone took a paper and then took a cupcake, the color depending on the gender they picked. The last color left was the correct gender. Now, I was sure that we were going to have like 3 blue ones or something left at the end. Especially after the first four people went, and they all got girl. No big deal either way, but it ended up perfectly. We finally had one pink and one blue left. It was great!! So Will took the last paper, which of course said girl. So, it's a boy!! We're so excited. Of course, it's not 100%, but I am hoping this means I won't have 6 girls in a row...

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