Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Birthday!

My mom normally, when you get married, lets up on the gifts a lot - no problem with that, as we're our own family and now and take care of each other. This year though, she decided to do a little bit more than usual - it must have been inspired, because it made me so happy to still have some presents even when the other ones I got were stolen!

Kaylee was VERY interested in them.

She went through all my presents, one by one, and finally gave them all back to me. Then she chose what I suppose she had decided was the best: the chocolate! She grabbed it and ran off with it, trying to get it open. That's my daughter...she knows the good stuff!!

1 comment:

  1. urg! I hate when your posts get deleted somehow, It can seriously make a bad day worse! Hopefully you will be able to have a great rest of the year! I have never heard of a gender party either, but it does seem like a fun way to be able to throw a party! Your cupcakes looked great! Hope everything starts to turn around for you this next week.and Congrats on the baby boy!!
