Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Day of Nursery

A lot of LDS parents count down the days till their child turns 18 months and can go to nursery at church for the second and third hours of church. Now, we had already taken Kaylee several times, and she LOVED it. Everything about it. Playing with toys, being around other kids, and especially snack time. She basically ignored us, and played great with the other kids. The nursery leaders told us that we could just leave her there, even though she was a couple months short of the age cut-off. They said she was ready, and it was fine. We left her once or twice, but then apparently someone didn't like it and told them to tell us we weren't allowed, because other parents might see it and before you know it, everyone is trying to get their kids in nursery early. We didn't really care, because, well, they had a point, and it wasn't like we were desperate...neither of us had callings, and it was no big deal. So we sometimes brought her and stayed with her on the days where she was being extra difficult and noisy in meetings. Well, I got called as a primary teacher, and Will got called as the assistant ward mission leader beginning this year, so we specifically asked the bishopric if we could put her in nursery a few weeks early (she'll be 18 months at the end of January) so that we could do our callings without her. They said it was fine, and they would start nursery at 15 months if they could (joking, I think). So, her first official day was today! Hopefully no one gets upset, but if they do, oh well. In some ways she's more ready than the older kids anyway. She plays great with the other kids and warmed right up to the leaders there.

It's nice because I'm just right across the hall if she needs anything. My first official day was today too, of course, but I only had one student in my class. There are supposed to be a lot more, but I guess with New Years they were all off on vacation still, or perhaps just sleeping in. I hope to have a few more next week! I am very excited about teaching in primary. In my first ward with my husband I taught the age group just under the one I have now, so I kind of know what to expect and how things go. The only problem is, I don't have a co-teacher this time, so things might get a little crazy when this baby comes. I hope I'll just be able to find someone to take over for a few weeks so I won't have to worry about it at all. And then, the countdown to nursery starts all over again. ;)

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