Monday, November 19, 2012

Ben's crib!

We weren't planning on getting a crib for Ben at first. When Kaylee outgrew the bassinet we just put her on the floor on a little mattress, and we were going to do the same for Ben. But then I got nervous, because the kids have been sharing a room for a while now and I'm not sure that I trust Kaylee with him in the morning when they wake up. I'm afraid of her putting blankets on his head, things like that. So we decided it would be a good idea to get a crib. That way I only have to worry about her throwing toys into it and perhaps climbing on or into it. :/

Conveniently, a friend of mine was giving one away a few weeks ago, so we snatched it right up. It was in pretty good shape, but a little chipped so it needed a new coat of paint. Anyone that knows me knows a coat of paint for something is NOT a problem. I welcome it.

Here it is before: 
I sanded down all the loose paint and roughed up the glossy finish. Then I went to Lowe's and got a quart of the best paint I could find. Paint and primer in one, low odor, zero VOC, in a nice chocolate brown.

I needed to do 3 coats of paint, and then touch up a few spots that I missed after that. I used a little foam brush roller. I seriously swear by those when I want a nice, smooth finish. A paint brush just doesn't measure up. Not even close!

Here's after:
We rearranged their room a bit and Kaylee's bed is now in the opposite corner. I LOVE the brown with the yellow and green. I think I might actually change the color scheme of the room to have brown instead of white, I like it so much. The quilt I made for Kaylee before she was born, but she has long since outgrown it, and it works perfectly with the room colors, and brings everything together. I love it!

Ben likes it too. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Of course, I mean the baby!!!! He looks nice!! And cute!! And the crib's not so bad either....

  2. Haha! Mom I knew you wouldn't like it!! Thanks though. LOL.
