Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stuck, Mommy...

 I think this one is completely self-explanatory.
 She climbed in, buckled herself, and put the tray on. Then called me to help. She loves to buckle, but can't usually get herself unbuckled.

 She's ALWAYS climbing in here. She can sometimes get out, sometimes not so much...

 She was playing in Ben's car seat and started rocking it a little too hard, I guess, and fell over backwards.

This, I believe, is the winner. It's kind of hard to see, but she climbed into the bottom of Ben's bassinet and zipped herself in. Yeah, all she could get out was a finger...


  1. Ha ha ha.... Poor Kaylee!! What a riot!!

  2. ha ha she is funny, reminds me so much of the things Addie is starting to do. She also loves buckling but can never get herself unbuckled.
